Inspiration and Engagement
From field trips to at-home activities, holiday learning to daily stress management, stay motivated with these creative ideas!
Math Enrichment Activities for Summer
Keeping your child’s math skills sharp during the summer months is especially important — whether you’re a homeschooler or a parent whose children attend a traditional school system. Here’s why: A recent study by Harris Cooper, professor of psychological sciences at the University of Missouri, revealed that an average of 2.6 months of math skills […]
Beat Burnout Blues with Gameschooling
I’ve read about homeschool burnout. Most families describe a sort of smoldering unrest and dissatisfaction with the homeschool status quo. Our homeschool burnout, unfortunately, doesn’t resemble that at all. In the past few months we’ve experienced more of a full-on combustible inferno! Once I felt the temptation to throw my children into the nearest yellow […]
Homeschooling When You’re a Single Parent
Homeschooling is a choice, and one I am passionate about. I guess I didn’t realize how passionate, though, until my husband and I separated a few years ago and I had to decide whether to put my girls back in school or begin a whole new chapter: single mom homeschooling. Surprisingly–most of all to me–I never […]
Things We Learned From Homeschooling Last Year
As parents, we are constantly learning and growing, just like our children. Each homeschool year, my family experiences a number of highs and lows, and in the process, we learn new things. Looking back at last year, there are a lot of takeaways that we can carry with us into the new year. Below are […]
How Can We Keep Children Safe Online This Summer?
As parents, we’re tasked with the incredibly important role as the protector, advisor, and overall mentor of our children. With summer learning right around the corner, now is a great time to sit down and talk with our children about online safety and how to stay safe. Computers and the internet are both deeply woven […]