Methods, Tools, and Resources
Whether you’re just starting to homeschool or ready to refine your strategies, these blog posts can help you customize your ideal home education program.
Help Your Student Transition to Homeschool
As the new school year approaches, perhaps you’re feeling a plethora of emotions over your decision to homeschool: happiness, excitement, anticipation…with maybe even a little uncertainty and anxiety mixed in. The unknown tends to bring a rotating cycle of feelings that vary sometimes moment to moment. Let us hopefully quell whatever nervousness you may be […]
Did You Know About These Time4Learning Perks?
Unlike other homeschool curriculums, Time4Learning is a membership. This means that you belong to something—a Time4Learning community—in which the organization and member families support each other. A Time4Learning membership is one that is constantly improving and growing, with access to new information and resources. Whether you are a veteran Time4Learning member or have just downloaded […]
Intro Guide to Homeschooling in the Military
Military life is demanding, requiring sacrifices from and challenges for the entire family. For military kids, this all too-often impacts their education. Frequent PCS moves, varying standards and curriculum from one school to the next, and simply dealing with the upheaval that comes with being a military family, all take a toll. More military parents […]
Do Homeschoolers Fall Behind?
The topic of homeschooling evokes many opinions, ranging from the very positive (i.e., “I wish I could homeschool my children…”) to the very negative (i.e., “Children need to be in school…””). Unfortunately, many naysayers view homeschooling as quasi-schooling where education is not taken seriously and students sit around in their sweatpants doing subpar work. What […]
How to Create a High School STEM Program
What does STEM really mean? STEM is not just an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math; it is a method of learning about and through these distinct but closely-connected fields. Both in and out of the classroom, STEM education aims to develop the creative problem solving and collaboration skills required by real-world problems in […]