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Homeschool Classroom Ideas: Set Up Your Learning Space Thumbnail

Homeschool Classroom Ideas: Set Up Your Learning Space

It’s time to start your new homeschool year! How exciting! But where will you do school work? Do you have a room sitting completely empty in your home that you can turn into a classroom complete with desks, a whiteboard, bulletin board, large world map, and motivational posters? No? That’s okay. Remember, homeschool is not […]

Naomi White
My Child Has Poor Behavior at School. Can Homeschooling Help? Thumbnail

My Child Has Poor Behavior at School. Can Homeschooling Help?

If your child struggles with meeting behavioral expectations at school, then homeschooling may be the solution. Rather than anguishing over thoughts like “my teenager is failing school and doesn’t care” or wondering how to satisfy teachers’ requests for consistency and discipline, you may want to consider homeschooling to investigate causes and offer strategies. Bringing teaching […]

Help Your Student Transition to Homeschool Thumbnail

Help Your Student Transition to Homeschool

As the new school year approaches, perhaps you’re feeling a plethora of emotions over your decision to homeschool: happiness, excitement, anticipation…with maybe even a little uncertainty and anxiety mixed in. The unknown tends to bring a rotating cycle of feelings that vary sometimes moment to moment. Let us hopefully quell whatever nervousness you may be […]

The Time4Learning Team
Did You Know About These Time4Learning Perks? Thumbnail

Did You Know About These Time4Learning Perks?

Unlike other homeschool curriculums, Time4Learning is a membership. This means that you belong to something—a Time4Learning community—in which the organization and member families support each other. A Time4Learning membership is one that is constantly improving and growing, with access to new information and resources. Whether you are a veteran Time4Learning member or have just downloaded […]

The Time4Learning Team
Roadschooling: The Ultimate Educational Travel Adventure! Thumbnail

Roadschooling: The Ultimate Educational Travel Adventure!

Flexibility is one of the main factors that draws families to homeschooling—particularly flexibility in scheduling and in individualizing instruction. What many families overlook, however, is the flexibility that homeschooling brings to where schooling takes place. Can you homeschool outside of the home? Absolutely! Roadschooling, or “learning on the road,” is one form of homeschooling that […]

Fourth of July Activities for Homeschoolers Thumbnail

Fourth of July Activities for Homeschoolers

“Independence Day” or “July 4th” — two names for the patriotic holiday set aside for the commemoration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. On that day, the Continental Congress put the original 13 colonies in motion toward the creation of a new nation — the United States of America. That’s certainly […]

The Time4Learning Team

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