How to Homeschool First Grade
If you’re getting ready to homeschool first grade, you probably have a lot of questions. Perhaps you’re wondering about first grade learning objectives, how to prepare your child for first grade, and how many hours you should homeschool each day.
We hope to answer all those questions and more, so that you and your child can have a successful first grade year. Here, you’ll learn about:
How to Homeschool First Grade
To get started homeschooling first grade, there are a few steps you must take.
- Find out what your state’s homeschooling requirements are
- Choose a curriculum.
- Create a homeschool room or designated learning area in your home
- Set goals and create a schedule
- Track your child’s progress on a regular basis
- Make learning fun
What Schedule is Best for a First Grader?
So how many hours do you homeschool a first grader? Typically, two hours a day is more than enough. Some homeschoolers find that their children learn more effectively when they break their lessons up into 15-20 minute increments since it keeps them engaged and better focused.
Another option is to homeschool four days a week instead of five, or even doing each subject twice a week, rather than all of them every day. Each child is different, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you find what works best for your child.
Homeschooling Planner
Start planning out your homeschooling days with this free easy to use daily planner.
What Subjects Are Taught in First Grade?
Although this may vary depending on what your state’s homeschooling requirements are, the subjects that are typically taught in first grade are:
- language arts, including reading and writing
- math
- science
- social studies
Homeschoolers can also add any other subjects they feel their children will benefit from such as art (drawing, coloring, arts & crafts), music and physical education (PE).
First Grade Learning Objectives
When starting to homeschool your first grader, you’ll need to be familiar with the first grade learning objectives your child needs to achieve. A typical focus for first grade homeschoolers is to build language skills in reading, spelling, and writing, while also learning addition, subtraction, and how to tell time.
Additionally, children should also be able to accomplish the following by the end of first grade:
- Know the names and sounds of all the consonants and vowels
- Understand phonics concepts such as consonant combinations
- Follow along, reading, and summarizing simple stories with pictures
- Listen to and retell a story in chronological order
- Follow simple two- and three-step directions
- Develop an understanding of composition
- Count to 100 by 1’s and skip count, understand ordinal positioning of numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)
- Solve basic addition and subtraction problems
- Understand the value of money
- Know the units for measurement, time, and weight
- Recognize time (hours & minutes) and calendar (days of the week, months)
Reading Book List for First Grade
There are tons of reading options available for first graders. Below is a book list to get you started.
- Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
- Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff
- Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff
- Miss Nelson is Missing! By Harry Allard
Students have access to tons of excerpts on a wide variety of topics with Time4Learning’s first grade language arts curriculum. Students will learn thematic content as they build their comprehension and vocabulary skills.
First Grade Homeschooling Tips & Ideas
Although there is no right way to homeschool, it’s important to make a plan, especially if you are new to homeschooling. Below are some first grade homeschooling ideas to help you get started.
- Create a routine – At this age, children still benefit from having a set schedule and daily routine. Having the reassurance of knowing what to expect can help your student be more focused, ready to learn, and happy.
- Make time for field trips – Help your student make real life connections by going on field trips on a regular basis. They’ll reinforce concepts taught at home and learn new ones as they explore museums, parks, zoos, and more.
- Incorporate hands-on activities – Science and math are great subjects to get hands-on with. Take on a science project or experiment once a week that allows your child to learn by doing. Math manipulatives are also fun and give students a tangible understanding of abstract concepts.
- Use toys and games – Young children are naturally drawn to play. Play is a good way to instill a love of learning and allow your child to understand that learning can happen anywhere, any time.
- Take frequent breaks – Children at this age tend to be very energetic. Make sure to allow for plenty of breaks by going outside, having a snack, incorporating quiet time into your day or even taking a nap.
- Use technology – Doing so will help build and improve your child’s motor skills as well as promote computer literacy, which is very important in today’s world.
- Local activities – Find family-friendly events near you to help enhance your child’s learning. Check your local library, museums, zoos and other attractions. Many of these events are free of charge and allow your child to interact with other children and build their social skills.
- Read 15-20 minutes every day – Make it a point to read to and with your first grader every day. Doing so will build their language arts and communication skills. Allow your child to pick books that are of interest to them and be sure to stop and ask questions to help them practice their reading comprehension.
How Time4Learning Can Help You Homeschool Your 1st Grader
Time4Learning is one of the top choices for homeschooling first graders. Our award-winning curriculum has helped over 600,000 families in the last 15 years.
Students love the engaging activities that feel more like video games and parents love all the tools and resources available. Time4Learning can help your 1st grader master skills, gain confidence and succeed. Here’s how:
- Fun, interactive lessons with animated characters keep young learners engaged
- Catchy songs and lively music help students remember important concepts
- Printable worksheets and hands-on activities help first graders practice their handwriting and other fine motor skills
- Comprehensive curriculum builds crucial language arts skills in reading, spelling, grammar, and more.
- Access to kindergarten material allows students to review previous concepts if necessary
- Flexible, student-paced format helps children progress at their own pace
- Freedom to redo lessons and activities, retake tests and quizzes
- Detailed scope and sequence allows you to see what your child will be learning and when
- Automated grading and reporting helps you keep track of how your student is doing