Time4Learning and IDEA Alaska Homeschool Program
Time4Learning is an approved vendor for IDEA Alaska Homeschool program and is a popular choice for homeschool families nationwide. Time4Learning offers families who educate their children through a homeschool charter school a standards-based curriculum with a student-centered focus and a high level of interactivity.
This page provides information on:
- What’s Available to IDEA Students
- Student Registration for Homeschool Charter Families
- Purchase Order (PO) Information and Cost
- Key Features of the Homeschool Program
*Note is not affiliated with IDEA or the Interior Distance Education of Alaska.
What is available to IDEA Homeschool families?
Time4Learning is an ideal choice for IDEA Homeschool Charter Program families because it can be used with a broad array of student types, learning styles and teaching methods. Whether mainstream, gifted or special needs, Time4Learning provides a flexible, student-paced approach. Some families use Time4Learning as a core curriculum, while others use it as part of an eclectic approach.
Language Arts: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar, Word Roots, Composition, Literary Analysis, Punctuation, and Critical Thinking.
Math: Numbers, Operations, Algebraic Thinking starting from pattern analysis continuing to Algebra, Geometry, Probability, Measurement, Word Problems, Data Presentation, Spatial Reasoning, and Analytical Thinking.
Science, social studies and art: are provided for the grades available (there is no kindergarten or preschool science or social studies program).
Have a look at our curriculum overview to see what’s available in each grade level.
How Do IDEA Homeschool Families Sign Up for Time4Learning?
How to register students with IDEA Homeschool charter school:
- Contact your Education Specialist (ES) to request a purchase order for your child(ren)
- Have the school email the complete form to [email protected]
Note: In order for a PO to be processed, it must include the following information:
- Student’s first and last name
- Parent’s email address
- Number of months the PO is paying for
Once Time4Learning receives the PO from your school, you will be emailed instructions on how to access the parent and student accounts.
If the purchase order takes longer than two weeks, please make sure to contact us. Alternatively, parents are free to sign up and use Time4Learning on their own using the online registration system.
I LOVE Time4Learning! It holds the attention of my kids, plus I can keep track of their learning without hovering over their shoulders.
I am really pleased with Time4Learning. It has made a world of difference in my son's academic performance in school!
Purchase Order (PO) Information for IDEA Homeschool Charter School
The cost for month-end billing by check through our purchase order (PO) system is $25 per month for each student.
In order for a PO to be processed, it must include the following information:
- Student’s first and last name
- Parent’s email address
- Number of months the PO is paying for
Please email [email protected] for purchase order information.
I have used Edgenuity for years. Will I lose my records or can you bring them over?
Unfortunately, for those of you who used Edgenuity through Homeschool.com or directly with ChildU, Time4Learning cannot bring over your records. We have investigated this possibility and cannot find a way. We are sorry for the inconvenience. When you sign up for Time4Learning, you get to place your child. If you would like to have a special configuration for your child which is not provided for in the registration process such as the fifth grade math program but the fourth grade language arts and social studies but no science, please follow up your registration with an email. We will be more than happy to oblige. We try to answer all emails within half a business day (or 24 hours on the weekends).
Key Features of the Time4Learning Home Education Program
Time4Learning includes access to a math and language curriculum that correlates to state standards. Science, social studies and art are also provided as a bonus for most grades.
Parents get access to printable lesson plans, teaching tools (located in the Parent Dashboard), and detailed reporting.
Other key features of the program:
- Students get individual logins and work on their own schedule and pace
- Parents can set the grade level independently for each subject
- The grade above and below can be accessed for review and additional study
- Detailed lesson plans available for parents who wish to review lesson contents
- Access to an online playground that rewards and motivates
- The system automatically grades the lessons and keeps records in a printable portfolio (shown below)
Time4Learning is entirely web based, so there is no software to download, no CDs and nothing additional to purchase. Students will be able to access the program 24/7 from any computer with an internet connection.
Time4Learning has helped thousands of families. Why not yours?
For more information on IDEA and homeschooling in Alaska, contact IDEA Homeschool directly