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Fun STEM Activities for Kids: Engineering

Research shows that including STEM into a child’s curricula can activate a lifelong interest in science and even has the potential to direct their future career. Because they are already so curious about the world, it isn’t difficult for parents and teachers to steer a student’s interest and wonder toward the intricacies of how the […]

Fun STEM Activities for Kids: Math

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has really hit the ground running since the term was first introduced in the early 2000s. After realizing how important 21st century skills were to those who would be entering the workforce years down the road, educators determined that STEM education could help students gain those skills and give […]

How Do Working Parents Manage (Home)School During COVID-19?

For many working parents, finding the right balance between work and home can be a challenge, whether they work from home or outside the home. Now the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed that challenge into a crisis. As we look toward the fall, many states find themselves in situations where schools will either have to continue […]

Labor Day Activities for Homeschoolers

The first Monday of September in the United States is dedicated to the celebration of the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made throughout its history. The roots of the commemoration are full of turmoil, however. At the height of the Industrial Revolution of the late 1800s, children as young as six […]

How To Personalize Your Child’s Education

Personalization in education allows you to tailor instruction based on a child’s unique needs, skills, abilities, and even interests. This, in turn, gives students options on how and what to learn, as well as opens the door to self-paced learning. If you’re an experienced homeschooler, you know how beneficial personalized instruction can be. For those […]

Time4Learning’s Bring Your Artwork to Life Contest

This contest has ended. You can view and enter our current contest here. UPDATED April 29, 2021 A few months ago, we shared the 12 winning drawings from our most recent online art contest for kids. Students were asked to draw and color anything they wanted — whether it was a self-portrait, a pet, a […]

Ways to Deal With a Bad Homeschooling Day

You wake up refreshed from the weekend following a great homeschooling week. You are excited about what you have planned for the new homeschooling day with your child. Then the day starts, and you quickly realize that this will not be your favorite homeschooling day. It will probably not be your child’s favorite homeschooling day […]

Unit Study Supplement: US Territories

In addition to the 50 states we are all familiar with, the United States also includes a number of territories and commonwealths. So what’s the difference between the two? A commonwealth is an independent country that is voluntarily part of the U.S., while a territory is an organized division of the U.S. that doesn’t fully […]

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