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Unit Study Supplement: Grover Cleveland, U.S. 22nd President

Holding an unprecedented spot in history as the only president to serve two, non-consecutive terms, Grover Cleveland was known for his honesty and hard stance against corruption. Cleveland was considered a political reformer, being one of two Democrats to be elected during a time when Republicans dominated the political scene. Prior to becoming president, Cleveland […]

California Field Trips for Homeschoolers

Your backpacks are filled with snacks, activity books, colored pencils and an extra change of clothes. Your route is locked into the GPS. You’ve even uploaded some educational videos to your tablet. It must be FIELD TRIP day in your homeschool!! Whether you are visiting the state as a homeschooling tourist or are a resident […]

Unit Study Supplement: John Tyler, U.S. 10th President

If William Henry Harrison had not died soon after taking office, it’s very likely that most Americans would know very little about a man named John Tyler. That’s because Tyler, who was Harrison’s running mate, had already decided that he was going to take a low key approach to the vice presidency and let Harrison […]

North Carolina Field Trips for Homeschoolers

It doesn’t have to be a rainy day. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a cloudy day. As a homeschool family, you can pick any day at all to move your learning beyond the confines of your home and head out on an educational adventure. Ask any homeschool parent or student, and they […]

Unit Study Supplement: James Monroe, U.S. 5th President

Following the War of 1812, America was more united, politically, than they had been in many years. It was in this time of relative stability that Monroe came to power in the U.S. His presidency was one of immense growth for the country, although it was not without growing pains. As a war veteran, previous […]

Virginia Field Trips for Homeschoolers

The geography, climate, culture and history of Virginia seem to be tailor-made for field trips. Whether you have a specific destination that will complement something you are learning about or just need a break from your regular homeschool routine, there are plenty of family activities in Virginia that combine learning and recreation. Even if you […]

Tennessee Field Trips for Homeschoolers

When your homeschool routine has taken a turn toward the mundane, there is an easy and fun way to spice things up. It’s time to head outside those four walls and experience all that Tennessee has to teach you! Your opportunities for exploration can begin right in your hometown. Check with your local postmaster to […]

Indiana Field Trips for Homeschoolers

Indiana has a lot to offer homeschool families. No matter where you live (or are visiting) in the state, you are likely less than half a tank of gas away from a key historical, cultural, or natural site full of learning opportunities. Currently studying tribal history? True to the state’s name, there are plenty of […]

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